Friday, August 27, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

DisProdPod Episode #2

In the second installment of the Disgraced Productions Podcast (DisProdPod), I sit down with Apt1B director Dodd Loomis and hear his thoughts on horror movies and what it's like to go between working on a web series and working on a Broadway show.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mo' Theater Reviews

Wrapping up my FringeNYC commitment for, are the reviews for 3boys and The Guardian's Project.

Overall, the Fringe went 2-2 on me this year which, for whatever rut one can certainly get in when thinking about the quality of the participants of summer theater festivals, is still batting .500. Not too shabby. Nice job, FringeNYC! Of course, if you get up to 3-4 next year, that .750 average is going to bring a whole mess of random drug testing on your ass. Theater PEDs are no laughing matter...

A couple of random talking points about summer theater festivals before I head back to working on web series for a touch:
1.) If you have the choice between making a show that is 40 minutes and a show that is 1 hour and 40 minutes ... um, do I really need to finish this sentence?
2.) When in doubt, why not get your characters more drunk. At least then they'll be saying stupid things and possibly coming to blows. That's a lot better than sitting around talking.
3.) I'd like to see a summer festival where all the plays are required to take place on some other planet in our solar system. I would, particularly, like to see what Mercury has to offer.

Anything else?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Theater Reviews

Dusted off my reviewer's cap just in time for the New York International Fringe Festival.

First two are in:

Read my review of "Garage" by Dive Theatre here.

And "Protected" by Timothy Scott Harris here.

Two more to follow...